About Flying Gurnards: Haven't seen any Flying Gurnards lately. Still like odd stuff. And sometimes I do stupid stuff and call it spontaneous. True story. I also don't have travelling shoes. They broke before I left home (omen?) and since then it's been mostly bare feet and flipflops although I keep killing them and consequently am on my fourth pair. I miss home. And everybody that makes it what it is. I feel fortunate doing what I do where I am. And I am still full o' love for life!

Thanks for reading Flying Gurnards & Other Concoctions.

With tons of love, big hugs and sunny smiles

Most recent posts below

Most recent posts below

Friday 30 November 2012

Oh Deer, it is Haloween

The girls carved some awesome pumpkins for Haloween. Eagerness settled in and they were placed nicely lit on the picknick table overnight. Waking up the next morning we saw that a few bits here and there were missing... With no clue whom committed the mischievous deed Eva and Sadie left to catch the bus to school and soon Sonia drove off to work.
Whilst I was fixing a nice cup of java I looked out the window and...Bingo! Grabbing the closest assault weapon (a wooden spoon) I ran out the door and threw it at the him, barely hitting his shoulder.
He took a look at me and took another bite.

Home Sweet Home

Home is where the heart is...Finally being reunited with my community was the biggest highlight of 2012.
My amazing fellow Islanders flew me back home after a year of separation, an enormous gift that made my heart glow with gratefulness. For the entire time I got to hold them close and feel that sense of belonging, where everything feels right, settle back into my chest. It was painful to leave them behind again.

Below is a picture of Descanso Bay where in the summer we gather on the sandstone rocks, dive into the clear ocean and watch the sunset together.

Friday 2 November 2012

One Happy Island

I remember diving together with my father when we visited Aruba over fifteen years ago. Since then I have been back once but it had been a long, long time.
I flew out of Cancun and stayed over a month here alone in my family's summer home, which is not far away from the Hooiberg (Hay Stack). This volcanic formation is about 165 meters high and out of sheer boredom I climbed to the top one day. The panoramic view was lovely and I realized that my camera was...At home. Damn.

My photo
I vividly remember the first time I saw a pair of flying gurnards. It was a mesmerizing sight, not only due to my infinite love of unknown oddities but also because of the sheer grace and allure they exuded.
What would life be like without enigmatic experiences such as these?

Flying Gurnards & Other Concoctions contrives inspiration from both the mundane and the unusual and offers a quirky glimpse into adventurous times and enchanting encounters to be had on land and sea...
I've dusted off my travelling shoes in hot pursuit of remedies to alleviate Twitchy Feet Syndrome and its overriding nomadic nature - confronting it with a dapper dash of spontaneity, love and delightfulness