Did you know that it is tradition to do your 100th dive in the buff? No, I am not kidding and although I am no eager beaver underwater photographer I have (with permission, of course) snapped photographical evidence of this widespread phenomenon...Oh how I wish I could share it right now.
This is Flying Gurnards & Other Concoctions's
100th blog post and I promise you that I am properly dressed whilst typing this. It made me feel slightly weird to see that it has come to this (the number of posts, not the clothes) since the blog was jump-started to document the shenanigans since leaving town and to keep track of the privilege & pleasure to work and travel around the world.
Rereading a few posts made me realize that I am still a long way from where I belong and that not a day goes by without thinking about it.
The thing is, after getting hauled around the world whilst growing up the idea of sticking to the substratum and staying put should have been an alien task, something I would have never expected to be good at. But trust me. I am a Pro. Instead of the place where the Stork (stupid bird) dropped me off I found the one I belonged to.
To be honest I had no idea what the term 'home' really meant until I found it. I fell madly in love, swore off moving around the world for a blissful decade and grew roots stronger than stink weed.
Leaving home had nothing to do with trying to get away from it but more with trying to find a way to stay. As a non-Canadian person that is kind of complicated. Developing a career when you are not legally allowed to work is a monkey-wrench in itself. So off I went. Working as a diver means that there's always a job available in some tropical place. Plus I am good at travelling due to the parents (thanks Mom and Dad for raising me as your cross-cultural science experiment)
It's been quite the journey and I still have a leg or two to go before I am able to go home. I decided to look in the rear-view mirror and recently reread the 'About' section that I filled out several years ago to see how much has changed since I started this blog; to see if I needed to make some alterations or if I had steered off my course. This is what I wrote back then:
"I vividly remember the first time I saw a pair of flying gurnards. It was a mesmerizing sight, not only due to my infinite love of unknown oddities but also because of the sheer grace and allure they exuded.
What would life be like without enigmatic experiences such as these?
Flying Gurnards & Other Concoctions contrives inspiration from both the mundane and the unusual and offers a quirky glimpse into adventurous times and enchanting encounters to be had on land and sea... I've dusted off my travelling shoes in hot pursuit of remedies to alleviate Twitchy Feet Syndrome and its overriding nomadic nature - confronting it with a dapper dash of spontaneity, love and delightfulness"
Personal News Flash: No Flying Gurnards lately. Still like odd stuff. And sometimes I do stupid stuff and call it spontaneous. True story.
I also don't have travelling shoes. They broke before I left home (omen?) and since then it's been mostly bare feet and flipflops although I keep killing them and consequently am on my fourth pair.
I miss home. And everybody that makes it what it is. I feel fortunate doing what I do where I am. And I am still full o' love for life!
Thanks for reading Flying Gurnards & Other Concoctions.
With tons of love, big hugs and sunny smiles
Photograph by Joelle Baird |