About Flying Gurnards: Haven't seen any Flying Gurnards lately. Still like odd stuff. And sometimes I do stupid stuff and call it spontaneous. True story. I also don't have travelling shoes. They broke before I left home (omen?) and since then it's been mostly bare feet and flipflops although I keep killing them and consequently am on my fourth pair. I miss home. And everybody that makes it what it is. I feel fortunate doing what I do where I am. And I am still full o' love for life!

Thanks for reading Flying Gurnards & Other Concoctions.

With tons of love, big hugs and sunny smiles

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Sunday, 7 July 2013


Now I know nothing about dates. In fact, I hardly go on them (such a clever pun! I'll stop). So yeah, I have never been a date-lover but lately the bombardment is ON and after many dateless days I am now in the Land of Phoenix dactylifera a-plenty. Both in Jordan as well as here in the UAE I run into dates wherever I go: The trees heavy with fruit line the Corniche, gardens, the streets and the supermarkets have entire food isles dedicated to this ancient staple of the Middle East.
There are so many different dates for sale that I imagine annual date tastings where date connoisseurs are akin to wine snobs as in '..Oh, this variety has notes of honey and walnut with a tone of camel dung, etc etc". I mean, in many countries (except this one..) people make wine out of date trees (Hello, palmwine!) which would be completely up my alley but a date is a date to me and I have not developed any desire to distinguish one from the other.
That said, I have admired their growth over the last couple of months. Watching the fruits ripen, slowly changing colors and shape has been interesting and if my camera wasn't broken I would have spent endless time photographing their beauty.
I must be one of the few dateless folks here in the Middle East, one who happily hits up the giant delicious olive section in the grocery store instead. YUM.

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I vividly remember the first time I saw a pair of flying gurnards. It was a mesmerizing sight, not only due to my infinite love of unknown oddities but also because of the sheer grace and allure they exuded.
What would life be like without enigmatic experiences such as these?

Flying Gurnards & Other Concoctions contrives inspiration from both the mundane and the unusual and offers a quirky glimpse into adventurous times and enchanting encounters to be had on land and sea...
I've dusted off my travelling shoes in hot pursuit of remedies to alleviate Twitchy Feet Syndrome and its overriding nomadic nature - confronting it with a dapper dash of spontaneity, love and delightfulness